Advantages of Plastic Beehives for Beekeeping
1. Material characteristics
Good durability
Plastic beehives are usually made of high-quality plastics, such as engineering plastics. This material has strong corrosion resistance and will not rot due to factors such as rain and moisture compared to t

How do you know if there is a wild bee nest nearby?
The basic condition for beekeeping is to have at least a bee colony, otherwise bee breeding would be impossible. To collect bee colonies, one has to either buy them from an apiary or collect wild bee colonies yourself, especially wild bee colonies. Since

This is how I choose beehives
Beehives are a must-have beekeeping tool for every beekeeper. A set of beehives will be used for decades, so you must consider carefully when purchasing, so as not to cause a lot of inconvenience in the process of use in the future.
Beehive material

Key points of bee breeding technology and management throughout the year
According to the natural conditions of different seasons and the reproductive characteristics of bees, adopting corresponding management techniques is the key to promoting the proliferation of bee colonies and obtaining high and stable yields of honey syr

Beekeeping Technical Guidance for Beginners
The bees are active and healthy, the honey harvest is good, and the cost and time and effort of the beekeeper are small; these are the three basic elements to judge whether a person is keeping bees well. Corresponding to these three basic elements, there

What are the skills of beehive selection
The beehive is the basic tool for beekeeping, and it is the place for the bee colony to multiply in the beekeeping production. If there is no beehive, the nectar collected by the bees has no place to store, and it is difficult to form honey. However, the

What happens to the bee colony when the queen bee dies?
The queen bee is the core of the bee colony. Without the queen bee to lay eggs and reproduce, the bee colony will soon decline and eventually perish. However, in beekeeping production, it is inevitable that the queen bee will die acci

Beekeeping for Beginners
If you want to beekeeping, you might be confused as to where to start ,Benefitbee tell you , step by step, from ordering the bees to choosing your hive to getting everything set up when they arrive.
To buy bee species, you can buy them from local beeke

What Beekeeping Beginners Should Do
Step 1: Understand the habits of bees
Bees are social insects with many unique habits. Only by understanding the habits of bees can we maintain good bees. In fact, all management of bee colonies is carried out around habits. The colony is naturally div