Is it possible to beekeeping without queen excluder?
Oct 11,2022
Lucia Ma
The honey frame can only be produced if the queen bee is prevented from laying eggs on the specified hive.
The honey frame is used for Nadeko and storing honey. The queen bee likes to put her eggs in the middle of the spleen, and the worker bees like to store honey in the upper corners of the frame. In this way, it is easy to cause the mixture of the frame and the spleen. There is honey on the frame, and there are seeds on the frame, which brings trouble to honey.
Therefore, the queen excluder was invented to prevent the queen bee from laying eggs on the honey frame. Taking advantage of the habit of worker bees who like to store honey on the outside or above, there is a method of producing honey frame in a horizontal beehive or a subsequent box. But whether it is a flat-type queen excluder or a vertical queen excluder, it is impossible to do without enough bees. Reluctantly using the queen excluder, the worker bees will not store honey on the honey frame on the other side of the queen excluder. If it is not a colony of more than six or seven frame, it is difficult to separate the frame and honey frame with the king board.
The beehive should be added with a queen excluder according to actual needs. The most important role of the queen excluder is to limit the scope of the queen bee's activities. For example, when forming a double queen group, the queen excluder should be used to separate the two queens on both sides of the nest box or between the nest box and the successor box, or between the nest box and the successor box. Adding a queen excluder to produce honeycomb honey, if there is no need for these, the beehive does not need to add a queen excluder, otherwise it will affect the queen bee's egg-laying efficiency.
The main function of the queen excluder
1. Controlling spawning: The queen excluder is designed according to the different breasts of the queen bee and the worker bees. After adding the queen excluder to the beehive, the queen bee’s range of activities will be limited, so as to control the queen bee’s egg laying. Worker bee activity is not affected.
2. Build a double queen colony: Under normal circumstances, there is only one queen bee in a colony. If there are two queen bees in the colony at the same time, they will kill each other until they die. At this time, the colony can be divided into two parts by the queen excluder. , so that a colony has two queens.